With over 40 years experience in metal finishing, Classic Plating is a trusted plating services provider in the Detroit Metro area. We process jobs with exceptional attention to detail and innovative solutions for your metal finishing needs.
Whether you’re looking for wear and corrosion resistance or functional properties such as lubricity, we’ve got you covered.

Classic Plating, Inc. is committed to providing quality metal finishing services that will meet or exceed our customer’s needs and expectations.
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Classic Plating's innovative ideas have made a significant impact for one of our 1st tier automotive supplier's nickel plating requirements which called for no nicks or scratches and a totally masked 1/4-28 thread. This unique process made such a difference that it increased the performance and wear by two fold and thus increased the life of the program from five years to twenty and counting.

Mark H. Yessian
AAA Industries, Inc.